WCFN Shenzhen Golden Fight 2018


The way you perceive yourself is 

defined by your goals,

actions and results. 

In moulding your character

 the first person to convince 

is yourself. 

Others will see you 

only as you see yourself. 

I am it therefore I pursue it. 

I pursue it therefore I achieve it. 

I achieve it therefore I am it.

# I am Invincible!

—Woody (INVINCIBLE Founder)

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Since 2017 INVINCIBLE has started to support WCFN. At the beginning INVINCIBLE was only offering professional coaching and a training venues. Today, INVINCIBLE is responsible for the evaluation of WCFN fighters. Also, INVINCIBLE is responsible to explain the WCFN rules to all the fighters, offers warm-up equipment and prepares all the fighters before their fights start. INVINCIBLE has been sending their club members to participate in WCFN since the first WCFN event. Our club members have challenged themselves and become better selves through these experiences. At the same time they have contributed to the various charities that WCFN supports. It’s been an honour to be persistently contributing to a charity.

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INVINCIBLE Founder Woody's protege - Andrey represented INVINCIBLE to receive

2018 Best International Fight Club Award 

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16 Dec 2018 WCFN 15 

Winner or Champion Belt

WCFN Shenzhen Golden Fight 2018